Totally Trebuchet

Totally Trebuchet Includes:
• Heavy duty structural components. All the rugged, non-consumable supplies and materials your class needs to design and build robust working trebuchet models. When the Totally Trebuchet unit is completed, just pack these aluminum and stainless steel components back in their tough tool boxes and shelve them until next year, or lend them to the science, math, or technology departments!
• An interactive digital textbook. A CD is provided with approximately two hundred pages of standards-based trebuchet curriculum materials, educational resources, and white papers on trebuchet design and construction. Totally Trebuchet lessons created by educators and engineers.
• The TrebStar™ Trebuchet Computer Simulation. This easy to use simulation mathematically models trebuchet performance and efficiency. It allows teachers and students to quickly and accurately create dozens of trebuchet design iterations. View the Simulator here.
• An illustrated construction manual with step by step instructions that will help every young engineer succeed.
• NOVA: Secrets of Lost Empires II: Medieval Siege. This 60-minute video will engage and inspire you and your students, as well as introduce them to the history of the trebuchet. Visit NOVA.
• A complete SolidWorks file library. Use these solid model files to visualize and engineer design iterations and modifications.
• Additional Trebuchet design curriculum and courseware is available from the SolidWorks Education Edition, SolidWorks Corporation.
• View a SolidWorks Cosmos analysis of the GEARS-IDS Trebuchet.
The GEARS Totally Trebuchet Program
Educators and engineers from Gears Eds and SolidWorks Corporation worked together to create this comprehensive, 6-8 week, STEM-based education program.

Our Totally Trebuchet Kit and Curriculum program uses many of the same robust components found in our GEARS IDS. Students will acquire science, technology, engineering, and math skills by asking and answering the questions they need to successfully compete in the Totally Trebuchet engineering challenge. The standard is a class pack of ten, which will outfit twenty students. However, Trebuchet kits can be purchased individually or as class packs of any size.
The Totally Trebuchet can take 1 week or up to 8 weeks. There are hundreds of pages of educational resources on our CD. We provide a suite of self-paced tutorials, teacher-led lessons, and project based activities. The program provides an organized structure in which students acquire engineering skills and competencies through the design, construction, refinement, and competitive use of a model trebuchet. Students work in a hands-on environment. Watch as they learn how the discoveries of Pythagoras, Galileo, and Newton help them build better trebuchets. All that is required are basic hand tools (screw driver and combination wrench). Students are encouraged to model their designs in SolidWorks® and become familiar with its many powerful CAD features. A complete trebuchet tutorial is included with the SolidWorks® Education Edition.
Standard Totally Trebuchet Class Pack
Includes 10 Complete Trebuchets